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So far nate has created 187 blog entries.

Recognition by Example

2021-08-16T13:46:47-04:00October 29, 2013|Employee Management|

When is the last time you received a handwritten thank you note? It was probably in response to a gift you gave someone for a birthday party, bridal shower or wedding. Those are expected. But have you ever received a thank you note from your boss? Those are less likely to happen, unless you worked at Campbell Soup. After taking over as Campbell Soup’s CEO in 2001, a time when revenue and employee engagement were in decline, Doug Conant spent time every night writing thank you cards to 10-20 employees whose contributions came to his attention that day. That’s around 30,000 handwritten cards over the course of the 10 years Conant spent turning around the business and re-invigorating company morale.

Conducting a Successful Employee Engagement Survey

2021-08-16T13:45:36-04:00October 15, 2013|Employee Engagement, Employee Surveys|

When I think back on all the jobs I've ever held, the ones that stick out in my mind are the ones where I was an engaged employee. I was truly invested in the work I was doing, had meaningful relationships with my coworkers and felt that the things I did on a daily basis were helping the company reach a broader goal.

Company Pride and Engaged Employees at Geneca

2021-08-16T13:46:09-04:00September 17, 2013|Employee Engagement|

Best Companies Group has the privilege of working with thousands of companies across the US during our many “Best Places to Work” programs. We often work with companies that already strive day after day to increase employee engagement and encourage employees to feel a sense of company pride. Often, companies go above and beyond when it comes to making employees feel proud of their company and create programs and projects designed to enhance employee morale.

Understanding BCG’s 8 Core Focus Areas Blog Series Part 4

2021-08-05T02:46:42-04:00September 10, 2013|Employee Engagement, Employee Surveys|

In order to truly understand what makes a company a great place to work, it is important to explore, evaluate and improve several different aspects of the employee experience. Best Companies Group manages more than 40 “Best Places to Work”, “Best Employers” or “Best Companies” programs. We use an employee survey that has 8 very distinct areas of evaluation. We call them our “8 Core Focus Areas” of employee engagement and satisfaction. We have created this blog series to explore each of those “8 Core Focus Areas.”

Employee Comments: Employees and their Pets at Work

2021-08-05T02:39:37-04:00September 3, 2013|Employee Engagement|

Pet lovers are rejoicing across the country as more employers are allowing employees to bring their pets to work. More importantly, most employers aren’t simply opening up a doggie daycare, but they are seeing the benefits that come with allowing employees to bring their furry friends into the office.

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