Most of us concede that employee engagement is critical to business success, but it’s hard to know where to start or who’s responsible for what. While the Human Resources Department specializes in the acquisition and retention of talent, there’s a special role to be played executive leadership.

Webinar Description

We recently hosted a live, 30-minute webinar about the critical role of the CEO in employee engagement. In the session, we shared data collected from more than 6,000 employers that competed in our Best Placest to Work programs in the previous survey year.

If you missed the webinar, click the button below to access the free recording or download the slides.

What You’ll Learn

  1. Why CEOs want employee engagement
  2. How engagement is defined
  3. Top dos and don’ts for the CEO
  4. Simple ways to increase engagement
  5. Do you have what it takes to be one of the Best Places to Work?

Article by Best Employee Surveys

With nearly 15 years of experience and collected data, Best Employee Surveys administers recognized survey tools and delivers comprehensive reporting you can trust. Our customizable options ensure that your organization is capturing data in the most effective way for your reporting needs. Because we survey 5,000+ companies and their 700,000+ employees each year, you can feel good about using our extensive database as a comparative benchmark for your results; it is of the highest quality and is also used to support trending analyses and ongoing research performed by a number of scholars, authors, and presenters worldwide.

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