Surveys are used for a lot of reasons: to get a read on staff attitudes, build trust, or benchmark against the marketplace. We’ve noticed that our customers, however, all share the goal of increasing employee engagement. To do that, we need to know our strengths, weaknesses and what drives engagement at our unique organization. Enter the Employee Engagement and Satisfaction Survey

To determine whether or not your organization is ready for this kind of survey, read on to learn about the considerations involved in asking your employees what they think.

You’re Ready for the Truth

You learned a long time ago that sticking your head in the sand brings only temporary relief and you’re no longer interested in relief so much as the power that comes with knowledge. If your employees aren’t engaged, you want to know. If the finance department doesn’t have confidence in your leadership, non-supervisors don’t trust their supervisors, and the sales team is making plans to leave the company, you’d rather be in the know. This is an excellent sign that you’re ready to start asking questions.

You See the Connection to Your Bottom Line

Whether we’re talking about productivity, customer satisfaction, or employee retention; there’s no doubt that your employees – and how they feel about the organization – are affecting just about everything you hold dear. When team members feel engaged in their work, they give extra effort to see you succeed. When they love their employer, it’s contagious. When they’re satisfied at work, they stay.

You Want to Attract the Best Talent

There are a lot of different ways to work on your employer brand. Whether you’re throwing your hat in the ring for one of our Best Places to Work programs or relying on word of mouth, being seen as an employer with high levels of employee satisfaction and engagement is attractive to high performance employees.  They want to understand your vision and goals, experience great communication, and share confidence.

The Company Has More Than 50 Employees

In this case, size matters. Because surveys are a quantitative measure of attitudes, having enough employees to provide you with actionable data is essential to the production of valuable results.

In fact, on our Employee Demographic Reports, we limit reporting to employee groups with 5 or more employees. That means that if 4 of your 6 sales reps complete the survey, we won’t be able to report on the sales department. We do this for two reasons: 1) to protect respondent confidentiality and, 2) because when fewer than 5 respondents say something, it’s not statistically significant.


Learn more

It’s powerful to know what your employees think! You can identify problems like poor supervision, communication breakdown, and mounting plans to leave your company before expensive turnover affects your business.
Whether you run an organization of 50 or 5,000 employees, engagement and satisfaction influence
employee retention and workplace culture. Use this checklist for a quick read on your readiness for an employee survey.
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