Recent research has underlined a concern many businesses may not have been fully aware of: the critical importance of new manager training. An eye-opening article from Fortune (July 2023) revealed that nearly half of female employees have contemplated leaving their jobs due to rookie managers. While managers play an essential role in guiding teams and driving performance, without the right training, they might unintentionally become a company’s Achilles heel. Here’s a deep dive into why every business should prioritize new manager training.

The Startling Findings

According to the Fortune article, the impact of inexperienced managers isn’t limited to a drop in team productivity or occasional misunderstandings. Instead, it’s causing a significant portion of the female workforce to consider leaving their positions. This not only represents a potential loss of talent but also impacts a company’s bottom line in terms of hiring and training costs for replacements.

Why Training New Managers is Non-Negotiable

A similar study by Gallup found that managers account for at least 70% of the variance in employee engagement scores. With the rising importance of employee engagement in today’s corporate landscape, can businesses afford to overlook new manager training?

Google’s Project Oxygen, another influential research project, found that the top-performing managers have a set of skills and attributes that can be trained. This is an encouraging sign, emphasizing that with the right tools and resources, new managers can be set up for success.

5 Key Takeaways for Helping New Managers Thrive

  1. Provide Ongoing Training: The initial induction isn’t enough. Regular workshops and training sessions ensure that managers stay updated with the latest skills and practices.
  2. Mentorship Matters: Pairing new managers with seasoned leaders can provide them with invaluable guidance and insights from real-world experiences.
  3. Feedback is Crucial: Constructive feedback helps managers understand their areas of improvement. An open feedback culture fosters growth and development.
  4. Empower with Tools and Resources: From effective project management software to communication tools, make sure new managers have everything they need.
  5. Foster a Supportive Environment: A supportive team and understanding upper management can make a world of difference. Ensure that the environment promotes learning and growth.

In Conclusion

Setting up new managers for success is more than just a best practice; it’s a necessity. With the right training and support, businesses can ensure that they’re not only retaining talent but also nurturing future leaders who will drive the company to greater heights.

  • Rookie managers make nearly half of female employees want to quit. Fortune (2023)
  • Harter, J. (2016). The Relationship Between Engagement at Work and Organizational Outcomes. Gallup
  • Garvin, D.A., Wagonfeld, A.B., & Kind, L. (2013). Google’s Project Oxygen: Do Managers Matter? Harvard Business School Case 313-110
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