We love to host guest bloggers! When you have something to share with an audience of employers that are concerned with things like employee engagement, company culture, and the awesomeness of people, this is a great way to share your ideas. Below, please find the guidelines for submitting a guest blog.

When we feature your article, it’s shared with more than 7,500 subscribers of our weekly enewsletter.

The Basics

  • Aim for a range from 600 – 1000 words;
  • Your article must be unique content and not have been previously published;
  • We don’t consider simultaneous submissions (meaning, the same pitch must not be pending with another site at the time you send yours to us); and
  • If accepted, the article must not be published elsewhere (including your own website), but we do encourage our guest bloggers to share the link like crazy.

Come Up With a Great Idea

  • Ask yourself who you’re talking to? Is your wisdom for CEOs that are worried about a high turnover rate or do you have something to share with HR types who want to know the best practices of internal communication post-employee survey?
  • Write a post based on a book you’ve written, a talk you’ve given or an experience you’ve had;
  • Use your expertise to interpret a recent trend or news event;
  • Offer a solution to a common concern or problem; or
  • Begin “if I had known then what I know now…”

Send a Proposal

Rather than send the full article, submit a working headline, 2-3 sentences describing what the article will be about and why that matters to our audience. Include a bio about your qualifications for writing the article.

Based on your proposal, we will let you know within 5 business days whether to submit the article. If you do not hear from us in that time, please assume that we will not be able to publish your submission. You should then feel free to offer it somewhere else.

Write With the Reader in Mind

If you’ve received the go ahead from our team to write your guest blog, then it’s time to write with the reader in mind. You’ll work directly with our team to get your article published.

  • Hook the reader;
  • Organize your piece in segments, with headings within the article;
  • Assume the reader is busy and has a short attention span;
  • Avoid advice the reader will find obvious; and
  • Use strong examples to support your claims.

Next Steps

We will acknowledge receipt of your article within 2 business days, letting you know within a week whether it has been accepted for publication. If your article is accepted, we reserve the right to edit the article at our discretion, including changes in the text, subheads and headline, to improve readability and maximize web traffic.

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