In a college marketing class one of my favorite professors dropped a bomb on my view of the future.

He said, “Marketing and communications may be your passion. But when you graduate and get a job, don’t expect your marketing or communications job to fulfill that passion. In fact, don’t expect any job to fulfill your passions.” Geez, thanks a lot, professor.

After I pushed aside my thoughts of flying to Thailand in search of how to keep my passions in life fulfilled on a daily basis, I focused instead on how to keep my passions alive once I did make it into the workplace. When I finally got a “real world” job, it became clear that while I may not be passionate about checking voicemail or waking up at 7 a.m. every day, I am happiest when I allow my passions to enhance my work; and my overall engagement is stronger as well.

The article below provides great in-depth suggestions for how employees can tap into their passions at work and use these passions to enhance not only their everyday tasks, but their attitudes while at work.

Read more to find the three strategies for how to cultivate passion in the workplace, without needing to run off to Thailand. Enjoy!

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