So you’re ready to launch your employee engagement survey. The leadership team is eager to hear the feedback. The HR team is ready to build a plan around the feedback.

But you are still wondering if you’re doing everything possible to make sure the survey gets taken, people are honest, and your organization is on its way to becoming a better workplace.

At Best Companies Group, we survey over 5,500 companies each year. So we’ve put together some of the best tips to launching a successful survey.

  1. Set clear expectations: Ensure that employees have a clear understanding of the survey’s purpose, timeline, and significance.
  2. Guarantee confidentiality: Assure employees that their responses will remain confidential, encouraging them to provide honest feedback without any concerns about negative consequences.
  3. Provide regular updates: Keep employees informed about the progress of the survey, the response rate, and the deadline to encourage maximum participation.
  4. Express gratitude for participation: Show appreciation for employees’ involvement in the survey, recognizing and valuing their input and engagement.
  5. Share results promptly: Maintain transparency and trust by promptly sharing the survey results with employees. Consider organizing dedicated communication sessions or town hall meetings to present the findings.
  6. Utilize visual aids: Enhance understanding and accessibility of the survey results by incorporating visual representations such as charts, graphs, and infographics.
  7. Focus on key insights: Emphasize the main findings and recurring themes from the survey results, highlighting both strengths and areas for improvement to provide a comprehensive overview.
  8. Action planning: Communicate the action plan based on the survey results, clearly articulating how the organization intends to address identified issues and leverage strengths. Provide transparency regarding the steps to be taken and the timeline for implementation.
  9. Foster two-way communication: Encourage employees to actively engage by creating opportunities for them to share their thoughts, ideas, and suggestions in response to the survey results. This can include feedback sessions, focus groups, or anonymous suggestion boxes.
  10. Follow-up communication: Maintain ongoing communication with employees, keeping them informed about the progress of the action plan. Share updates on the steps taken, milestones achieved, and any changes implemented as a result of the survey, demonstrating a commitment to employee feedback and engagement.
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