You did it! You set your goalssurveyed your employees, completed your reports analysis call, and now you’re ready to share those results with your team.

Our customers often want to know what are the best practices in a wildly successful employee survey project. Sending out a communication from your fearless leader is one great way to say thank you, validate employee voice, and let folks know what steps will be taken as a result of their feedback. Use this sample as a jumping off point when crafting your own message from the CEO. Plan on sending this out within 1 week of your reports analysis call.

Sample Email From the CEO

From: Fearless Leader

To: Staff All <[email protected]>

Subject: Memo from Fearless Leader – Results From Our Employee Survey


Let me first say thank you. Our recent employee survey was a huge success. With a final response rate of 74%, not only are we above average but it shows a huge commitment from our entire employee body to the constant improvement of our great organization. Additionally, while respondent confidentiality was protected at all times, I recognize that it can sometimes be a challenge to offer critical feedback and am truly grateful for the responses you shared. 

Next, I’d like to let you know that we heard you. We’ve got a great organization and we’re one of the best when it comes to leadership, communications and role satisfaction. That said, we also see that many would benefit from more ongoing training and a thorough review of our medical benefits.

To respond to your feedback, we’ll begin by reviewing existing plans for ongoing training with department heads and move forward with an audit of our existing medical benefits. We’ll share next steps in our all-staff meeting in October. 

Thanks again for your input. Please let me know if you have any questions.



Fearless Leader, CEO

Company Name

1500 Birch Street

Anytown, PA  17104


[email protected]


Learn More

You need to know what your employees think. Are they happy? Are they engaged? Do they plan to leave? Would they go the extra mile to see you succeed? That’s where we come in.

Have you considered using a Pulse Survey to measure your progress against improvement goals?  Most Pulse Survey projects ask less than five questions and cost less than $1,500. When you’re ready to learn more about employee survey timelines, process and pricing, schedule a time to meet with one of our employer coaches. We’ll get all your questions answered.

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