Many of our customers have complex organizations (i.e. multiple brand units, senior leaders responsible for unique areas, etc.). In these cases, employers often decide to equip each leader with the feedback report and analysis call she needs to improve employee engagement in just the area under her leadership.

If you’re tasked with mobilizing senior leaders to receive their reports and then schedule their analysis calls, use the below email templates as a jumping-off point when crafting your own messages.

The first email should be sent 1-2 weeks before the survey goes live and again when you deliver your reports.

[Sample] Pre-Survey Email

From: Employee Survey Project Lead

To: Senior Leader Receiving Reports and in Need of Analysis Call <[email protected]>

Subject: [Prepare] Our employee survey

Hello! As mentioned in our recent meeting/email announcement, we’re rolling out an employee survey next week. Each of our senior/brand leaders will receive a Team Insights Report, for just their area of the organization.

In addition to reporting, each senior/brand leader will have a dedicated reports analysis call with Best Employee Surveys. On this call, a survey expert will help you 1) understand your data and how it compares to the organization overall; 2) identify what’s driving employee engagement at the organization; and 3) establish what 2 or 3 action steps might increase engagement in the area you lead. 

Use this <calendar link> to schedule your meeting for any date after <reports delivery date>. 

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Chief People Officer

Company Name

1500 Birch Street

Anytown, PA  17104


[email protected]


The second email is sent to deliver reports to your leaders.

[Sample] Post-Survey Email

From: Employee Survey Project Lead

To: Senior Leader Receiving Reports and in Need of Analysis Call <[email protected]>

Subject: [Reports Delivery] Our employee survey

Hello! Attached, please find reports from our recent Employee Engagement and Satisfaction Survey with Best Employee Surveys.

If you haven’t already, use this <calendar link> to schedule your reports analysis call. This is an hour-long call in which we will not only identify what’s driving engagement at our organization, but reveal what actions you can take to increase engagement in your group, over time.

I’ll try my best to be on that call, as we’ve been advised that oftentimes companywide initiatives for improvement are born from these discussions. 

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Chief People Officer

Company Name

1500 Birch Street

Anytown, PA  17104


[email protected]


Learn More

It’s powerful to know what your employees think! You can identify problems like poor supervision, communication breakdown, and mounting plans to leave your company before expensive turnover affects your business.
When you’re ready to learn more about employee survey timelines, process and pricing, schedule a time to meet with one of our employer coaches. We’ll get all your questions answered.
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