Our customers often want to know the best practices of a wildly successful Employee Engagement and Satisfaction Survey project. In the best projects, leaders and executives secure buy-in and spread enthusiasm when they demonstrate their own. Many times, employees take cues, and to an extent, model professional behavior from their leaders. Some of the most successful CEOs are those who understand the connection between employee satisfaction and customer service performance.

Sending out a communication from your top local executive, or the CEO, is one great way to increase response rates, prepare your employees for what’s to come, and show leadership’s support of the survey project. Feel free to use the below sample email as a jumping-off point when crafting your own message from the CEO. Plan to send this communication the day before your employee engagement and satisfaction survey goes live.


Sample Kickoff Email from the CEO

From: Fearless Leader

To: Staff All <[email protected]>

Subject: Memo from Fearless Leader – Best Employee Surveys

Good morning. Tomorrow you will receive an email from Best Employee Surveys, inviting you to participate in our annual employee engagement and satisfaction survey. We value your insights and perspectives. Please make time to complete the survey by Aug. 21.

I am proud of our company and I am always interested in ways we can become even better. Our associates are our largest and most important investment. This survey is one of the ways we collect information and input on how well we are doing in our workplace.

Your ratings and comments are completely confidential because your openness and honesty are so important to us. Even members of small teams cannot have their scores identified; any group of associates with fewer than five members is not reported separately.

Thank you in advance for your input. Please let me know if you have any questions!


Fearless Leader, CEO

Thrive Co.

1500 Birch Street

Anytown, PA  17104


[email protected]

Learn More

You need to know what your employees think. Are they happy? Are they engaged? Do they plan to leave? Would they go the extra mile to see you succeed? That’s where we come in.

When you’re ready to learn more about employee survey timelines, process and pricing, schedule a time to meet with one of our employer coaches. We’ll get all your questions answered.

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