In the past few months so much has changed for Best Companies Group! We launched a new website, and enhanced our visibility through social media!

BCG Services offers custom surveys and analytics designed to meet your organization’s unique needs, including a number of survey tools and reporting and analytics. We offer customizable options to ensure your organization is capturing data in the most effective way. We have gathered extensive data to support trending analyses and ongoing research by a number of authors, researchers and presenters.

We hope that you will visit our new website and explore what BCG Services has to offer. We also invite you to download our FREE White Paper, Measuring Employee Engagement: Is Your Company Ready to Survey? Our white paper will help you determine if your company is ready to conduct an employee survey and will provide suggestions for how to make your survey process run smoothly. We also provide an employee survey checklist that you can use to ensure you get the most out of your employee survey and the resulting data obtained.

We are excited that Best Companies Group is growing and meeting the needs of thousands of companies. Thank you for your continued support.

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