Introduction Recap: In order to truly understand what makes a company a great place to work, it is important to explore, evaluate and improve several different aspects of the employee experience. Best Companies Group manages more than 40 “Best Places to Work”, “Best Employers” or “Best Companies” programs.We use an employee survey that has 8 very distinct areas of evaluation. We call them our “8 Core Focus Areas” of employee engagement and satisfaction. We have created this blog series to explore each of those “8 Core Focus Areas.

Our goal is to help you understand these focus areas so the next time you conduct a survey or participate in one of BCG’s programs you have a better idea of how we go about identifying the best. This blog is part 3 of our feature series. To read part two, please click here.

Feature Blog Series Part 3: Role Satisfaction

This focus area seeks to measure the employee’s feelings about their job and their role within the organization. Job security, autonomy, use of skills, and the importance of contribution are all part of an individual’s role satisfaction. Many of the ideas below represent significant drivers of overall engagement. For example, knowing how one’s job fits in to the overall success of the organization is fast becoming a very important part of one’s overall connection to their employer. Employees are asked to respond to various statements on a 6 option Likert scale (Disagree Strongly through Agree Strongly). Statements in this area include:

  • I like the type of work that I do
  • I am given enough authority to make decisions I need to make
  • I believe my job is secure
  • Deadlines at this organization are realistic
  • I feel I am valued in this organization
  • I feel part of a team working toward a shared goal
  • I am able to maintain a reasonable balance between work and my personal life
  • My job makes good use of my skills and abilities
  • I have a clear understanding of my job role
  • I understand the importance of my role to the success of the organization
  • Most days, I feel I have made progress at work

This “Core Focus Area” has employees looking inward to evaluate how they feel specifically about their role and how they fit in.  The percentage below represents the national average percentage Positive Response (Agree or Strongly Agree) in the “Role Satisfaction” Core Focus Area for all the winners of our “Best” programs.

In two weeks our blog series will continue with Work Environment, the fourth of our 8 Core Focus Areas.

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