Our customers often want to know what are the best practices in a wildly successful employee survey project. Sending out a communication from your human resources team is one great way to increase response rates, prepare your employees, and show leadership’s support of the project. Use this sample as a jumping off point when crafting your own message from human resources. Plan on sending this 1-2 weeks before the survey goes live.

Sample Email From Human Resources

From: Director of Human Resources

To: Staff All <[email protected]>

Subject: Employee Engagement Survey – Best Employee Surveys

Hello! As mentioned in our recent staff meeting, we’re rolling out an employee survey. Next week, you’ll receive an email from Best Employee Surveys, inviting you to participate in this anonymous surveyThe information you provide will go directly to Best Employee Surveys and they will provide us with aggregated response data reports, so we can take action to improve over time.

The survey is brief – it takes 5-10 minutes – and 100% confidential. Please take this opportunity to tell us about working here. We are looking forward to receiving your feedback!

Thank you in advance for your input. Please let me know if you have any questions.


Director of Human Resources

Company Name

1500 Birch Street

Anytown, PA  17104


[email protected]

Learn More

You need to know what your employees think. Are they happy? Are they engaged? Do they plan to leave? Would they go the extra mile to see you succeed? That’s where we come in.

When you’re ready to learn more about employee survey timelines, process and pricing, schedule a time to meet with one of our employer coaches. We’ll get all your questions answered.

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